NOTES: Critiquing the First Draft of your Manuscript

THE TITLE – what is your initial impression? 

a)         Does the title draw you in? 

b)         Does it incite your curiosity about the piece? 

c)         Does it set the tone?

THE OPENING SCENE – does it have impact? 

a)         Does the opening scene pull you into the story?

b)         Does the opening sequence of scenes adequately set up the world of the hero? 

c)         Do you easily understand who the story is about?

THE CENTRAL CONFLICT – by the end of the first act, 

a)         What does the hero want? 

b)         What gets in the way of them achieving it?

c)         Do you as the reader care that the hero prevails?

GENRE – what genre do you think this film fits in?

a)         Is it a horror movie - what are the tropes?

b)         a Western - it’s not enough to just have horses and hats!

c)         a romantic comedy - Both need to be believable and equally weighted

d)         a buddy film, a drama - Each has its own identifiers.

 DIALOGUE VS. ACTION – is there a balance of dialogue and action? 

a)      Are they both believable? 

b)     Do they seem to flow from the story?

PACING – how does the unfolding of the storyline FEEL to you?

(Pacing relates to the length of each scene as it fits into the overall story.)

a)    Were there particular places where the story bogs down in too much detail?

b)    Were there places where the action flashes by too quickly to comprehend important points?

TONE – is the script balanced emotionally?  (Tone is about the emotional highs and lows.)

a)     Does it feel like the high points are natural and arise from the story, or do they feel pasted on?

b)     Are the low points a good counterpoint to the highs? Do they feel a natural part to the story arc?

 ENDING – is the ending completely satisfying for you as a reader?