Logline for your own screenplay - TRY IT !!

Harder than you thought, wasn’t it? Did you include the name of your heroine/hero really early in your LOGLINE? We need to know who we’re rooting for, and it’s nice if the name is close to the beginning of your sentence.

Did you mention the central conflict? (i.e., What stands in the way of your character getting what they want?) By the way, what DOES your main character want? What drives him/her?

It’s a really good idea if you can be specific about GENRE. In other words, is this script a comedy, a drama, a buddy film?  Again, this is like a road map for both you and your reader. This will be our first clue as to where we’re heading on our little trip out of the known world and into yours.

 And finally, it’s great if you can leave the ultimate ending in question. IE “The fate of their world hangs in the balance…”