Be strong and persistent in your REWRITE....

If the goal of the first draft is simply to get your storyline laid down from A to Z without stopping, the goal of the rewrite is to return to the piece and smooth over the joinery. Add the embellishments that signal the work of a craftsman – or at least that of a knowledgeable apprentice. 

The process begins with the feedback you’ve gotten from your readers. Some will say they loved it; others can’t say anything nice. Don’t let these comments get you down. That’s why it’s so important to critique your own script too. You will know the lame parts and not be offended if someone else notices them too.

Part of the process of improving your skill as a writer is learning to distinguish useful feedback from crap. Be careful who you let affect your craft. Look for any commonalities in the commentaries; that’s what you pay attention to. Was there a point [or several] that kept cropping up again and again, no matter who read the script? Were there comments such as, “You really lost me after the guy jumped off the cliff” OR “I just didn’t believe the main character would turn into a swan.”

Be strong and be persistent in REWRITING. No script springs from a writer’s head fully formed. And if you plan to shoot the script yourself, don’t make the mistake of thinking you can fix the problems on set while shooting. Take to set a script as tight and well written as you can make it. Your cast and crew will thank you if you do!!