Emotional Line Graph.... chart your course

You’ve heard the expression, “Life has its ups and downs”? One minute you’ve aced an exam and you’re skipping along thinking “I am the greatest.” Then BAM, the next minute you step in dog poo.

In the movies, it would not just be Chihuahua droppings – it would be a massively deep, devilishly clingy and putrifyingly pungent pile of poo. And it would happen just as you make eye contact with the person you want most in the world to impress. 

That’s because movies are about life to the MAX. They aren’t about two hours of watching someone study algebra or an hour of watching someone sleep. Movies are about conflict, drama, outrageous comedy and more. In movies you watch your hero/heroine go through Herculean tasks to achieve their desire. In the movies, everything is SUPER-sized.

And it’s not by accident… it’s by design. So, let’s start designing!