Choose a working title that centers you in the world your building....

For me, one of the indicators that I’m ready to start writing on a project is the title. Titles are incredibly important, but for now, give your project a working title. I find this important because the title becomes the emotional/intellectual magnet that draws plots and characters and scenarios to it.  

Your working title is like the lodestone ancient mariners used to find their way across vast stretches of water before the invention of the true compass. So, choose a title that will attract the right kind of energy to guide you on your way.

So now you have your idea for your story. You’ve created a designated time slot for writing and a working title.  

You’ve checked out the style or format the industry requires for screenplays and you’re ready to write that first page.  

But guess what? Suddenly you will think of a thousand things that need doing. Laundry, homework, groceries, dog walks.

STOP IT. Stop it right now. If you keep this up, you’re going to wind up a wannabe and not a real writer. Remember, WRITERS WRITE. So sit down and just do it!