You will be swamped with new story ideas....

The minute you start to write - you are going to find you are inundated with new story ideas. This is another attempt to sidetrack your efforts – self-sabotage, the shrinks call it. But it can be useful because out of your attempts at self-sabotage some great new ideas are going to arrive on your doorstep. Write every single one of them down in an “idea diary.” You might even take five minutes to jot down some of the details that will accompany these gems.

BUT here’s the hard part: let go of these ideas. Stick to your game plan and continue to work on the project at hand. Unless of course there’s someone standing at your door with a million dollars in hand waiting to pay you to write one of these new ideas – then you have my permission to be sidetracked.

 IS there someone at the door with real folding money in hand? I thought not. So stay the course. Write, write, write. Those ideas will still be waiting for you when you finish your first draft and are looking for diversions while you await readers’ comments.

Staying the course is the hardest thing you’re going to do – but easily the most important.  The world is filled with people who have the first 30 pages of a screenplay written. In fact, on any city block you can find at least five people who have the set-up for two or three screenplays. You can’t sell set-ups! And if you want to make your living as a writer, you’re going to have to learn to FINISH what you start.